Saturday, June 30, 2007

Fun Times and Inspiration

So we went to the pool this morning. I was feeling sick yesterday and today wasn't all that good either- so we had to skip on the whole beach thing and just do the pool instead. My kids really don't care- either way they get to play in the water and have fun. SO here's some fun pics from the pool today- they LOVE being thrown in the water.... they think it's hilarious. funny funny kids.

Also- here's a LO i did yesterday for a contest I'm in. I acutally like how it came out. I've been challenged with scrapping things I normally wouldn't- this is one time I wouldn't ahve done it- but I think it will be good to look back on. here's the journaling: (it's supposed to be a not to myself)
"This is your life, Are you who you want to be? You konw your life has taken some unexpected turns. But what would you be today without all those experiences? You are who you want to be and more. You're a mother, a wife, a friend, a daughter, an aunt. Even though your future is unclear now, just think of how many wonderful thigns are to come! Do'nt always feel like you have to say "yes" to everythign and everyone. Allow tiem for yourself and doing what you want. Be Patient. I know that's a hard one, but it really the little things in life that matter? Keep strong adn remember a lot of people love you. That's all you need in life. Be proud of who you are and who you will become!"
AND.... I KNOW I did a major typo on my title. how freakin funny is that? Totally didn't realize it until the page was completley done and turned in.... lol- well.. that's what I get for scrapping when I'm really sick and havent' eaten anything eh? hahahaha


the real ~Roxann~ said... it a digi?

Zarah said...

LOVE the pool photos! :D
(No annoying brat there, I take it? I'm glad! I've been thinking about that situation quite a bit lately.)

That LO is fantastic and I didn't see the typo until I'd been looking for it a while - and just because you said there was one... It just looks natural, you know? Well done!! :D

Lisa Brown said...

Don't you just love having a pool at your disposal?? That is one thing I will miss about living in apartments, but I think I'll live ;).

the real ~Roxann~ said...

oh, and how do you make that photo collage??

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that LO. I know you already turned it in, but it's an easy fix (I know, because I've done that, too! LOL). Just put some paint on top to cover up the words, then add paint to other parts of the page so it looks deliberate. I can't tell you how many times I've done that . . . Hope you feel better!!!

Jen Gallacher said...

I love the question you ask. Want to answer that question for myself lately, more than ever!