This guy: (swoon)
And even though it was my idea... i wasnt' the one who got it out. But now that it is..... had to pull out this one...

and the mother of all christmas CD's and the one piece of musical genius that should be in EVERY christmas collection....

Yup.... i'm in the christmas spirit and it can't come soon enough. Love it!!!
Ok.... go ahead and laugh now...... :)
I busted out laughing when I saw this!!! I was just telling the kids in Primary (I'm Music Leader) how I have a friend that listens to Donny Osmond Christmas over and over every year. They cracked up.
I miss you! But I don't miss Donny . . . : )
Christmas isn't Christmas without the Carpenters Christmas Album!!!!
I love that Carpenter's Christmas Album. Absolute FAVORITE!!
Omg, I totally am laughing my head off right now...girl, that's some good stuff right there. And TOTALLY you!
I am such a fan of Donny too! Can you burn me a copy of that CD, seriously!? I love his voice. I didn't know he had a Christmas one. Just went to the mall yesterday and heard Christmas music. Crazy!!!
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