Friday, December 29, 2006

Vinyl Lettering.... Anyone Interested?

My sister just started her own business doing Vinyl Lettering. I've never seen it before until she sent me a sample. It is so freakin' adorable!!!! So... I'm here to show you what it is. take a look at these pics- I've been debating whether to start up consulting for her. Would you be interested? Very easy to ship, immediate turn around times, and not expensive. Plus- you can attatch them to your walls, and when you want to remove them, you can- and it doesn't leave any residue! They can be attatched to wood plaques, tiles, glass blocks, mirrors, just about anything! self adhesive...... you can do it yourself- or purchase already done. They areally are beautiful. The Grandparents mirror is what we did for my parents for Christmas. great for gifts, home decor, military,churches, etc. Let me know if you'd be interested!


Anonymous said...

so does she have awebsite? take special orders? Do mormony things? I have a few bare walls that could use this lol!

Unknown said...

Is she with Uppercase Living?