See this beautiful wall? I got it finished!!! Got some adorable pics of the kids and got them all situated in the frames. I love it. It turned out every bit as much as i hoped it would.

Now if i could just enjoy it...... but I can't. WHy you ask? Well... remember in my last post I mentioned that Rick was having a hard time at work? He put in his 2 week notice today. And because he did that, we need to move. I won't go into major details, but all in all- we had a long, emotional, spiritual day full of talking, prayer, pondering, etc. and just decided that moving back to Idaho is the best decision for us. We will be near family and that's what we've wanted for years now. We are very excited to finally go home... but it's very sad too because we've come to love it here in this short amount of time.
We will be moving in about 2-3 weeks. So hence the reason I don't get to enjoy my wall. I unpacked everything just in time to pack it all up again. Ask me if I'm excited to move again....... HECK NO!!!
Let's just say that after graduating, having a baby, and moving twice, (oh.. and Rick going through literal hell with his job) we're about spent. I'm so ready to be somewhere permanent. I just need to breathe and enjoy doing what i want to be doing. And we think that Idaho holds that for us.
One downer..... we have to move back to snow. Isn't that the worst? We have been so spoiled being in the south and experiencing the BEST winters ever.... and we've come to hate the snow and cold. And now we have to move right into it. Guess we knew it would come sooner or later- but man!!!!! It's ok though... I'm very much looking forward to finally having all seasons again. BUt I do get my mountains back and THAT I am very excited about!!
OK.... so i may go AWOL on ya in the next few weeks because of the move and whatnot.... but i'll try and keep ya'll posted.
OY! :)
I am sorry things are so crazy for you guys!! What a hard trial to deal with. Things will work out, they always seem to do, but in the mean time we will pray for you!!
Hey, at least you will be closer to us!
I love your gorgeous wall.
BTW, are Tennessee has mountains! They're just, er, rounder than the Rockies. Did you know the mountain I live on isn't even technically a mountain? How sad is that? The mountain I grew up on is a glorified hill.
Too bad you're moving far from me and my craziness! We'll miss you!!! :)
Thats rough! Two moves plus a baby. I don't know how you do it. How did you even get that wall put together so quickly? It looks amazing! Welcome back to Idaho. We'll be excited to see you again and I'm sure you're family is super excited.
You'll get SUPER CUTE photos of the kids in the snow tho - that's something?
Big hugs - and lots of good thoughts coming your way!
So Crazy! I'm sorry things didn't work out!
So does this mean you'll be in Idaho Falls?! Does this mean we can still be friends?! I'm sorry you have to move again so quickly, but very excited that you will be moving where I am moving!
The wall is gorgeous. Truly. It's ok, you'll have another place to make your wall soon enough.
And don't forget you'll have the constant love and support of family. And that means a lot.
(I just wish Idaho = Kansas. Could you move your state over and down some?!!?)
Hey Amber you have such a beautiful family!!! I am so excited for you to be close to family and back in Idaho!! We are living Ut we had the craziest winter of my life!! Anyway just wanted to say hi, I saw your blog on Becky's hope you don't mind. I would love to hear from you.
Oh, how crazy! I am so sorry you guys have to move again. I hope it will all work out for the best though. And yes, that really stinks to have to go back to snow - I am all with you on your opinions of the cold.
Oh man, that is so sad that you have to move again so soon! But, I am way happy to hear that you are coming my way. Yay!
I'm sorry about the job nightmare and all the moving crap... but you're coming close to me now! We have to visit sometime since I haven't seen you in what almost 5 years? (Eeek! That's me squealing with excitement!)
Awww girl. I will say prayers for you and the family... Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and go for it. Its not an easy road but a road filled with adventure. God bless you along the way girl. Hugs!
horay!! you are finally coming home. You will not believe how great it is to be near family, you'll love it. maybe now that you'll live here we can finally get together.
Wow...that was a quick stay in Memphis. Sorry you're moving so quickly, we'd have lot to have gotten together. But when Daddy ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Good luck in Idaho. It's nice to be by family, so I'm sure you're doing the right thing!
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