We did the cake and ice cream at night and had great- grandma and grandpa over, so nice to finally share a birthday with family!
So here are the pics from the day... and the cake i made. took me like 6 hours! but i love it. Her cheesy grin with another tooth lost... she's just too darned cute! can't believe she's 7- that just means that she'll be 8 next year and i'm freaking out about that- cause i'm not nearly old enough to have an 8 year old!!!
She got everything High school musical of course. And let me tell you- she plays with them everyday.. so it was totally worth the money spent! It was a good day- it's to the point where birthdays are magical and so it made for a fun day!
another exciting thing is that I got myself a little gift too. ;)-
my pretty little portrait lens and a new camera bag. with all the lens' i'm getting and plan on getting, i need something to accomodate them all! and the first pics are taken with my lens- I LOVE IT!!! Isn't the depth of field awesome?!?!?
and one final thing- Hailey got a balloon for her birthday and Jayce loved it. he got so excited everytime it came around him. We gave it to him and let him at it.. it was one of the funniest things. so here are a few hammy shots of him with it. isn't he just the cutest? i love him! :)