Thursday, April 09, 2009

Been a while?

um... yah... I'd say so huh?
I've been pretty busy. My little brother just got married over the weeken and my sister got to fly in from Ohio for it. We spent the weekend having fun and shopping....and I got to take all the pics!
I'm currently editing all the pics- but once i have them finished, i'll post them for all to see. This past weekend totally confirmed that my passion in life is wedding photography- so if you're in the market... i'll give you a huge deal! ;)-

other news:
my baby started crawling (finally). and he went from crawling to pulling himself up on things in less than a week. hasn't quite figured out how to get down from some things- so he's found out that knocking his head isn't all that fun. (poor thing) it's totally fun with him though- he's all over the place.
the other kids keep plugging away at life. doing well in school and making friends all over the place- makes it nice to not have to worry about them so much.

Rick enjoys his job- he's been super busy. We're hoping for a raise and/or a promotion soon. One of the designers quit and so now there's only 2. He keeps working on his book and he'll be submitting it in the next month or so.

And I'm doing everything. photography is still top on my list. i'm scrapping here and there- but not too much. i got called to be in the primary again in my ward. (our church- and for those of you who remember, it's being incharge of the kids under 11 and i did that the 5 years i was in savannah)- so it's pretty funny. i love it though.

the only news to share is that we are thinking of buying a house! our rent is OK- but the place is SO SMALL. and to find a bigger place means a bigger rent payment. (of which we can't afford)- so there are some places around here where we could buy and save almost $400. yah. seriously. we'll get it all together and look in a month or so. if it doesn't work- it doesn't work. we'll just stay here and see what happens. Don't really want to move again- would take our total up to 4 moves in less than a year and that's seirously not my idea of fun. so i'll keep you posted.

i'll post all my pics once i get them finished- i'm totally excited for them.

hope you are all still coming around every once in a while. guess i can't expect it if i don't update huh? i'm such a loser... lol


Amie said...

Yay...moving....AGAIN!! ;) Will I see you soon?

Erica said...

YOUR ALIVE!!! I WAS ABOUT TO SEND OUT A SEARCH PARTY!!! Your pics...amzing! Congrats on the crawling, my guy is walking ans climbing and starting to talk. Yay,.