Friday, December 11, 2009

Oldies but Goodies and a Newbie

Nice title eh? I thought

Anywho.... I was digging through my scrapbook gallery today and was actually surprised by how many I still lover even years later. Do you have some like that? No matter how much time goes by and how products and techniques change... I STILL love them. So thought I'd do a show and tell of those few pages that I still love to this day... and funny enough- a lot of them are from 2007. guess it was a good year for me lol ;)-

And then the last one is the most recent- did this one last week and have to say it's my new fav. I guess it's because i've used glimmer mist on the entire thing and how can you not love something sparkly and blingy? ( is that a word? it is now!)

Ok...enjoy the eye candy...I do believe I"ll be adding some new ones very soon as well:) toodles!


Amie said...

the pouty kids layout was too cute! I may have to copy that idea and poem! The last one is sooo pretty!

Melanie said...

Great projects, Amber. Happy New Year!