Friday, April 23, 2010

TOO much going on

typical for me though :)

Ok.. so right now, amidst my traveling and designing and family and everything else.... I'm purging.

and yes- it's my scrap goodies!!!!
So I totally missed the boat on my scrap kits in Feb. but I will be doing it again. It's going to be different this year though.

I'm organizing a huge scrap garage sale to happen sometime in June. So if you or someone you know live in the Utah county area, email me and I'll shoot you some info.

but what does this mean for those of you who've ordered from me in the past? Whatever I don't sell at this thing, will be put into kits and sold on here. It won't happen until June, but from what I have, it will take me that long just to organize it all!

So here's a little shocker:
I'm stopping with the scrapping for a while. I love it, just have no desire to do it at all. Hence the purging. I've decided just to keep a few things (neccessities), and cut back. I've turned my interests elsewhere for the time being (you'll find out soon enough) and want to focus on something else for a while.
I'll still be traveling a little and I'll still be designing scrap product, but as far as scrappy goodness- not gonna be comin' from me :(
Sad, but I need a break from it all. Don't know why, just do. SO it's all going away. not forever, just for now.

here's an idea for ya: went through my paper last night and I have about an 11 inch stack just waiting to be gone. so that's what you have to look forward to! lol

so there ya go. that's it for now...... :)


jinxi~ aka angi said...

Love your kits.. but can definitely understand where you are coming from. I havent even opened the last kits I got from you.. how awful is that. We all need breaks. Sounds like you have other stuff up your sleeve though.. so Im sure you'll need the scrappy break!

Best wishes ;O)

Anonymous said...

Really? No more scrapping? Girl... this makes me sad. Hopefully by the time you get back to it, the industry will be healthier and you can buy lots of new stuff. ;)

Debbie said...

Hi Amber

We in Hong Kong are desperate to have your paper that we saw and discussed with you at CHA!! Do you know if/when it will be coming?

Good luck with purgin!

Darcy said...

Hey Amber - Darcy from Pink Persimmon here. I met you at the CHA craft supershow where we picked up a pack of your new papers. We had our creative team working with your BFF papers over the last few months and want to do a featured week on our blog and show off some fun projects they made with your papers and our stamps. Send me an email so we can connect and I can get some more info from you on where to buy, etc. (I didn't see your email listed anywhere else, so sorry to post this on your blog!). Thanks! - Darcy